Chartering update

TransProCon has declared the option for Baltica and the contract is now valid until end 2019. P&O declared the option for Mistral and the contract is now valid until end 2019.

Good new for us and you onboard and a clear sign that the customers are happy with the service we provide. Customer focus!

The chartering situation is thus as follows

·         Mimer Marinex December 2018

·         Midas CMA CGM December 2019

·         Mistral P&O December 2019

·         Misana and Misida Stena RoRo December 2019

·         Baltica TransProCon December 2019

·         Link Star UPM-Kymmene December 2020

Södragatan 13, AX-22100 Mariehamn, Finland
